Addictive Apple
The apple indicates not only the apple products, but also all the smart phone and electronic device.
Somehow we are too obsessed in all those apple products that we are addicted in those device. We spend tons of time with those devices, eventually, it potentially affects our sights and making us become lazy.
Formulized Beauty
The shape is inspired by Barbie, as Barbie somehow indicates the image of beauty.  
Big eyes with long lashes; petite nose; small mouth' V-shape head'; long hair; big boobs,and slim body shape... It seems that there is a formula of being a beauty in our society. For some people who are so obsessed in the 'beauty' image, they choose to have plastic surgery, in order to look 'prettier'
Surgery may change one's appearance, and 'help' them to become a 'beauty', but it's only temporary. After a period of time, they need to have another surgery again and again until the end...
 In Hong Kong, all the kids are taught to be shut up. We sit quietly, with our mouth closed, afraid of specking up.
Kids listen teacher's words in the lessons, but only few of them are excited to receive new knowledge.
We are trained to memorize knowledge, but not learning.
We are told to follow a successful formula: achieving good academic result-> get into a good university->get a good job with high salary.
We are brainwashed by the society; we lost ourselves.

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